Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Organic… What does it really mean?

The term “Organic” has been used loosely in recent years, so I thought I would discuss what it really means and who can use it in the cosmetics, body and bath products..  First, the term organic cannot be used the same way as “All Natural” or “Natural”.  Organic is a term which is certified by the USDA National Organic Program. The USDA-accredited organic certifying agent must certify the company before they can use the term “organic” and use of their symbol. There 4 different types of organic classifications which are:  “100%  Organic” which include the organic label, “Organic” which means is comprised of at least 90% organic ingredients, “Made with Organic Ingredients” which is comprised of at least 70% organic ingredients (may not display the organic symbol) and “Less than 70 % organic ingredients” which mean organic ingredients are listed on the label (may not display the organic symbol).  Anything under 70% cannot bear any such claim to organic. The civil penalty is $11,000 for each claim that is not certified by the USDA National Organic Program and knowingly sells/labels their products as such.

 To learn more about what these labels really mean see. ttp://www.ams.usda.gov/AMSv1.0/getfile?dDocName=STELPRDC5078591&acct=nopgeninfo.

I also want to add that just because a product is listed and certified to use the “Organic” label does not mean that it is safe to use for you.  There are NATURAL plants and ingredients that can contain TOXIC  substances and can cause allergies in individuals who use them.  Check out the poisonous plant database for more information…http://www.accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/plantox/index.cfm.

Submitted by Michelle Rhoades, Mossy Creek Soap and Mossy Creek Soap Studio.  If you would like to learn more about other items concerning Soap, Soapmaking, Candlemaking or any other business related items... Follow us on our blog @ http://mossycreeksoap.blogspot.com/

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